【Youthful Oaths and Youthful Responsibilities】 The 2024 "Hicorp Youth Voice" Comes to a Successful Conclusion

2024-06-01 10:59:15 赛特

      In an effort to enhance the sense of mission and responsibility among the youth of the new era, foster a vibrant and proactive work atmosphere, and motivate young employees to contribute their youthful wisdom to the high-quality development of Hicorp Group, the "Hicorp Youth Voice" speech contest was held in the multi-function hall of the group headquarters on the morning of May 28th. After the initial selection, 11 outstanding young talents from the functional departments and various companies of the group stood out, showcasing their wisdom and passion in a unique and engaging speech contest.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

      During the competition, the contestants, drawing upon their personal growth experiences and insights within Hicorp Group, expressed their profound understanding and unique perspectives on topics such as youth, professionalism, struggle, and dreams with sincere emotions and vivid language. The 11 participants, through impassioned speeches, poised demeanor, and diverse presentation styles, earned rounds of applause from the audience and judges, presenting a splendid spectacle of oratory excellence.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

      After intense competition and judging, Zhang Mingming from the Group Office emerged victorious, winning the first prize; Lin Nuannuan from Qingdao Putian and Sun Yanshuo from Hicorp Heavy Industry secured the second prizes; while Yao Hui from Hicorp, Guo Mingzhe and Han Zhan from Hicorp Heavy Industry were awarded the third prizes. Wang Bing, Ding Mengqun, Wang Shuo, Ding Yuchao, and Ma Jin received the excellence awards for this competition.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

      The successful holding of the "Hicorp Youth Voice" themed speech contest not only provided a platform for young employees to showcase themselves and hone their abilities, but also showcased the creativity and sense of responsibility among the younger generation. It conveyed the boundless aspirations and expectations of youth for the future, embodying their vitality and positive mental outlook.

      Qingdao Hicorp Group has always attached great importance to the growth and development of its employees, offering vast opportunities for young employees to thrive. In the future, the company will continue to prioritize the growth and development of its youthful workforce, providing them with even more opportunities and challenges to stimulate their creativity and innovative spirit, jointly driving the company towards sustained and steady progress.

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