Gathering Momentum for Long term development, Emerging in the New - Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. Holds the 2023 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference

2024-02-05 18:00:37 赛特

      In the afternoon of February 4, 2024 at 1:30, the 2023 annual summary and commendation conference of Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. was held in the multifunctional hall of Hicorp Group. The theme of this conference is "Gathering Momentum for Long term development, Emerging in the New". Zhao Chuanfu, the General Manager of the company, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting was chaired by Vice General Manager Guo Jiayang, and all cadres and employees attended.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

      The recitation of "Salute to 2023" started the entire summary and commendation conference.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

      Chen Tao, Marketing Director of Hicorp Sales Company, and Xu Xianxiao, Quality Inspection Manager, respectively delivered farewell speeches to Xu Gaofu and Shan Baoying, retired employees in 2023.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

      Director Yang Tongtao of Hicorp Sales Company read out the Decision on Commending exemplary individual and Advanced Collectives in 2023 and the Decision on Commending Outstanding After sales Service Personnel in 2023.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

      Zhao Chuanfu, General Manager of Hicorp, gave an important speech titled "Gathering Momentum, Seeking Farsightedness, and Emerging from the New". Mr. Zhao comprehensively summarized the various achievements in 2023, pointed out the problems existing in various departments, and emphasized the importance of reflection.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

      The splendid and diverse cultural performances pushed the conference to its climax, presenting a visual feast to the live audience with exciting dances, humorous cross-talk, and beautiful songs. The conference also played New Year greetings from 10 after-sales engineers and domestic and foreign customers who stayed behind during the Spring Festival in Xinjiang.

      Finally, all middle-level cadres, led by Mr. Zhao, dressed in formal attire, express gratitude to all employees, and send New Year greetings to all family.

Hicorp Machinery (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd.

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